We promote diversity

Business success is possible here because our people are passionate about Brandenburg. Brandenburg greatly benefits from the diversity and commitment of people working across the state.

Mutual respect, tolerance and being open to dialogue – we know that this is a must if integration is to be successful. These qualities enable people from all kinds of backgrounds, nationalities and religions to live peacefully side by side and to drive forward growth and wellbeing together for Germany.

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International Talent Service

Brandenburg supports companies with integrating international skilled workers via the International Talent Service of the Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB). As part of this service, WFBB offers comprehensive advice and information when it comes to skilled workers from other countries making Brandenburg their home.

Weiterführende Informationen

© pikselstock - stock.adobe.com
Frau am Messgerät
© industrieblick - stock.adobe.com
GWG Treskow Luftbild
© INKOM Neuruppin – Gesellschaft für kommunale Dienstleistungen mbH
Universität Potsdam
Gefördert aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung (EFRE)