Hydrogen – your road to success

Hydrogen drive technology is central to Brandenburg’s economic interests as it is one of the essential factors for a successful energy transition.

Brandenburg has been a leader in renewable energies for many years now. With the highest installed per-capita output in Germany, there is huge potential for hydrogen here. And an important foundation for sustainable mobility.

Transport is currently Germany’s only economic sector in which greenhouse gas emissions have not fallen since 1990. They’ve actually increased. The transport industry faces huge challenges when it comes to avoiding greenhouse gas emissions.

Offering completely new approaches, this is where hydrogen technology comes in. H2 makes it possible to interlink different sectors: energy, heat, transport, and industry. Huge potential is opened up for far-reaching decarbonisation. Brandenburg facilitates the development of technologies like these.

The  APUS Group develops hydrogen-based aircraft engines and aims to lead the integration of more sustainable, eco-friendly drive systems. The Deutsche Eisenbahn Service AG is converting its diesel vehicles with hydrogen drives, and Rolls-Royce is working with BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg to test hybrid electrical propulsion for air traffic.

Come and join us

Is your focus on developing hydrogen-based drive technologies?
Are H₂ storage components on your agenda?
Do you want to invest in an economic sector with a promising future?
Then Brandenburg is the place for you.

We fund Green Mobility – with confidence


S-Bahn H2Rail
kein Fotonachweis nötig
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Hydrogene instead of diesel

The Deutsche Eisenbahn Service AG (DESAG) in Putlitz has teamed up with project partners to refurbish existing diesel vehicles with hydrogen drives. By doing so they want to offer an alternative to expensive investments in new vehicles. This idea has our full support. 

The idea has already developed into an SME consortium run by three project partners. 

DESAG leads the project and is responsible for railway technology management, while 
Brandenburg-based NACOMPEX GmbH takes care of the hydrogen aspects. They provide the chemical storage necessary for the storage method. TU Dresden acts as the project’s research and knowledge partner. 

Hans Einsenbahn 3 Mitarbeiter
Deutsche Eisenbahn Service AG Pritzwalker Straße 8 16949 Putlitz


Cover V4
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On the move with hydrogen

The first test with a hydrogen-powered rotary engine took place in September 2019. The drive combines multiple advantages of the Wankel engine with hydrogen’s huge potential as a sustainable energy carrier.

Wankel SuperTec GmbHBurger Chaussee 2003044 Cottbus


RefLau Windräder
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The hydrogen-based power plant

A modern storage power plant that uses renewable energies to supply green hydrogen – that is the objective of the Reference Power Plant Lausitz. 
This power plant represents the launch of one of Lusatia’s most promising project ideas for structural changes in the region. The agreement for the “Reference Power Plant Lausitz Phase 1” was signed in December 2019 at the Schwarze Pumpe Industrial Estate in Lusatia. 
The Schwarze Pumpe Industrial Park Spremberg and the Lusatian Energy Company (LEAG) are the main drivers of this initiative. Two other companies from the renewable energy sector are also involved, Energiequelle GmbH Zossen and Enertrag AG Gut Dauerthal.
The Steinbeis Technology Transfer Center in Rostock and the CEBra Centre for Energy Technology in Brandenburg provide scientific support. The Lausitzrunde, Siemens AG, Ontras GmbH and 50 Hertz Transmission GmbH are also involved.

The reference power plant will be a storage power plant based on hydrogen. 
The power plant’s objective? To reliably provide all the system services required for safe and stable electric power supply, and to carry out energy storage with hydrogen at the same time.
Hydrogen storage and withdrawal should take place automatically to ensure that over-supplies from renewable energy plants and temporary performance deficiencies are equally manageable.

Industriepark Schwarze Pumpe An der Heide 1 03130 Spremberg

Hydrogen technologies are innovation drivers

Natural Gas – HydrogenHydrogen from wind energyThe railway technology campusP2G

The future hydrogen core network in Brandenburg

The provision and further expansion of the hydrogen core network will create a high-performance infrastructure for supplying energy-intensive industrial companies and ensure the further development of a future-oriented hydrogen economy in the state of Brandenburg.


Jürgen Vogler
Jürgen Vogler
Head of Division
Investment & Innovation
+49 331 – 730 61-201

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Renewable energy in the Berlin-Brandenburg Capital Region

Renewable energy plays a leading role in Berlin and Brandenburg. Berlin might need a lot of power, but Brandenburg can generate a lot of it sustainably. Approximately 18,400 GWh of renewable electricity is produced in Germany every year – more than Berlin’s annual power consumption.

energy technology in the Berlin-Brandenburg Capital Region

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